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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Last Post of the Semester!

1. What I have Learned.

I have learned a lot this semester. I have learned technical things about management but overall I have been able to retain skills that will  help me in the future. Since this is the first time this class was given to us as an online class I think that the learning outcomes will improve in the future. 

2.  Improvements.

I think that having class time once a month would help. This could help the class bond and get to know eachother a little bit. Most of us have come to WIT because we enjoy the class sizes and we like being in class to learn. Personally, I would have never chosen an online class because I know it is not my learning style. I think in the future you should give the students a choice whether they want to be a part of this online class rather then forcing it apon them as part of the curriculum (I know that Prof. Hafford might not be part of this decision, but i'm just saying!)

Have a nice winter break!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

How to avoid the end-of-semester pile-up?

I am almost completely positive there isn't a way to avoid the end-of-semester pile-up. It's true, at the end of the semester is when we have learned the most in each class, and that is when teachers decide to put all of our new knowledge to the test. Truthfully, I don't think its a bad thing. It's nice when we can pull all our new knowledge together and put it to good use.

Finals are all during the same week, so no, there is no way to spread that out either.

Procrastination is the only way I see to help avoid this pile up. For most classes, we are aware of projects that are going to be due towards the end of the semester quite early on, yet, we all choose to wait until the end to start it or get it done. It's like how we all decide to post our assignments on thursday rather then get them done early. Or why I am posting this blog 5 hours before it is due. Its just the college life, and I can personally say I've gotten used to it.

Christmas Lights

So, School is coming to an end. During thanksgiving break me and my father always put up christmas lights around our house. My mom and brother never seem to be around to help us, so we have made a tradition out of it. First, we have to go up and bring down all the christmas decorations and lights down from the attic. We bundle up and begin our outdoor fiesta! We put lights all over the bushes and such and have to figure out how to make is all work with only two plugs available. We have extension cords everywhere, i'm surprised we don't blow up the whole neighborhood. And there is always that one string of lights that has half of the bulbs out. By the end of it we are both frustrated out of our mind, but it always looks nice, and for the rest of the winter we get to admire our beautiful lights out front.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thanksgiving.. For Real!

So tomorrow is thanksgiving, so our professor thought we should take a moment and share some of the things you are truly grateful for:

There are many things in my life that I am grateful for.  One of the things is my family, and how they are able to keep me in a great college. They really have the best intentions for me in all that they do and by pushing me through college they are really helping my future, and I appreciate that. I also am thankful for all of my friends who I have been able to stay in touch with since high school, i'm so happy that we can all come back from college and still be the best of friends. I am also thankful that I am going to see my extended family tomorrow and we will all get to eat a great meal, it means a lot to be close with family like that.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


So, Thanksgiving is right around the corner, which means winter break is right around the corner... which means I have ALOT of work to get done. I have finals, obviously, but I also need to find a co-op job for next semester. I have recently just finalized my resume and I am now on a job search. This is a very stressful time of the year, because on top of worrying about co-op we have projects and finals. During Thanksgiving we have  a couple days off and every year I think that I am going to use the time to catch up on everything, but that never happens. It usually ends up with a weekend of turkey, friends and family, and somehow I am never able to configure homework into the whole mess! Depending on how much work we have this month I might be forced to change that ritual...

Thursday, November 4, 2010


As I've mentioned before, this Fall I participated in the Crew Team (Rowing) at Wentworth. It was a great  experience and I really loved it.... other than the 4:30 am practices. This morning was my last practice of the season, and Saturday is my last regatta (that's what you call a race). Crew is a sport that is like no other. It truly works every part of your body and waking up at 4:30 every morning is sometimes a struggle. The sport starts back up in the Spring, sometime around March, but I don't think I will be able to do it because of my co-op. When I have class afterwards I am so exhausted, and I cannot imagine having to work 9-5 after a practice at 4:30 am. So, there's always next year!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Journal Assignment #3


SMART goals are very realistic and planned out, while BHAG are kind of outrageous. I think it depends on the situation for which type of goal I would be more likely to use. If I was running a business I would definitely choose a SMART goal, simply because, it is smart. If you chose a goal that was so out of reach that you could never reach it you could end up losing a lot of money and maybe even have to shut down your company. For something like a life goal, I think it is important to shoot for something that seems beyond your reach. It's liberating to think that one day you might actually reach it, and it may make your life more interesting on the way. If you don't have anything large at stake I think a BHAG is the way to go!