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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thanksgiving.. For Real!

So tomorrow is thanksgiving, so our professor thought we should take a moment and share some of the things you are truly grateful for:

There are many things in my life that I am grateful for.  One of the things is my family, and how they are able to keep me in a great college. They really have the best intentions for me in all that they do and by pushing me through college they are really helping my future, and I appreciate that. I also am thankful for all of my friends who I have been able to stay in touch with since high school, i'm so happy that we can all come back from college and still be the best of friends. I am also thankful that I am going to see my extended family tomorrow and we will all get to eat a great meal, it means a lot to be close with family like that.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


So, Thanksgiving is right around the corner, which means winter break is right around the corner... which means I have ALOT of work to get done. I have finals, obviously, but I also need to find a co-op job for next semester. I have recently just finalized my resume and I am now on a job search. This is a very stressful time of the year, because on top of worrying about co-op we have projects and finals. During Thanksgiving we have  a couple days off and every year I think that I am going to use the time to catch up on everything, but that never happens. It usually ends up with a weekend of turkey, friends and family, and somehow I am never able to configure homework into the whole mess! Depending on how much work we have this month I might be forced to change that ritual...

Thursday, November 4, 2010


As I've mentioned before, this Fall I participated in the Crew Team (Rowing) at Wentworth. It was a great  experience and I really loved it.... other than the 4:30 am practices. This morning was my last practice of the season, and Saturday is my last regatta (that's what you call a race). Crew is a sport that is like no other. It truly works every part of your body and waking up at 4:30 every morning is sometimes a struggle. The sport starts back up in the Spring, sometime around March, but I don't think I will be able to do it because of my co-op. When I have class afterwards I am so exhausted, and I cannot imagine having to work 9-5 after a practice at 4:30 am. So, there's always next year!