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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

If I ever had a time machine..

So, everyone has those friends that you hung out with when you were 5. There's pictures of you when you were younger, but as you grew up and went to high school, you did not really stay friends. You know the kind of person i'm talking about? You always smile at them in the hallways, because you know that you used to be friends, but that friendship has clearly faded over the years.

Well, sometimes maybe you should do more than just give them a smile every once in awhile, because you never know when they might be gone.

I've encountered this recently when a friend like this passed away last week, and it was truly a terrible situation. My whole entire high school class was definitely effected by it. It made me really think about how to seize the moment, always do the things that are going to make you happy and always let the people you love know how you feel about them. In this situation, I wouldn't go to the extent that I 'loved' her, but we really lost touch when we went to college, and that is something I would change if I ever had a time machine...

Thursday, September 23, 2010

New Beginnings

For the first two years at Wentworth I did not participate in a sport. I had always been active in highschool with cheerleading and gymnastics but those sports didn't really seem to fit in here, plus, I never had enough time to even think about practice schedules. Now that I switched majors, I have time to do things I enjoy! So, I signed up for the crew team! We went out on the mystic river in somerville this morning and it was my first time ever rowing. Let me tell you, it's a lot harder than you would expect. The boat is little and tippy, and your rows are so long that it makes it so wobbly. Coach says he hasn't ever seen any boats tip over, but I think it is very likely for me. I had to wake up at 4:30, it was miserable, and then when I got back to my house around 8 I tried to take a shower, but conveniently, the construction workers outside my house hit a water pipe and instead of water coming out of our faucet and shower, it was now flooding the streets. It eventually turned back on just in time for me to go on a field trip with my 11 am class.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Journal Entry#2

Changing My Major!

So, as many of the other students in this major have done, I switched my major from interior design to facilities management. All of the interior design professors and some of my classmates tried to convince me not to switch, and that it would be a big mistake. The entire summer I contemplated whether or not I should switch, it was not easy because there were many pro's and con's for each side. I finally decided to switch, not considering what others had said to me but basically just going by what I thought felt right, and I hoped that I would not regret it when it came to school time. One of the reasons I really wanted to switch is because before I came to this school I really loved art and design. I would draw all the time on my own and I would really enjoy it. But once it became and assignment, I didn't enjoy it as much, and it really became more of a chore to me than something I truly enjoyed.

Now, two weeks into my new major I do not regret switching majors at all. I love this major and everything that is a part of it. My classes are great, and instead of floaty design ideas we are given precise directions. I love the diversity of the teachers and classes. So, I mean we are only two weeks into classes, I'll check back in halfway through the semester!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Journal Entry #1

How do you feel about your ability to successfully complete the work required by this course?

     I believe that this class might be a bit of a challenge for me. I am used to classes meeting twice  or more a week, where the teacher will remind and badger you for assignments. This class is much different, but I also think that it will be beneficial. Yes, it is nice to meet in a class on a regular basis, but this online class will allow me to build skills that a normal classroom would not. I will learn how to be more independent with my work and I believe that my time management skills will improve as well. So, although this class may be a challenge for me, I think that as my first online course, it will help me gain knowledge in ways a normal classroom setting cannot do.